What is an Unsanctioned Match in AEW? All you need to know about Adam Cole's match at Double or Noth

Adam Cole made his long-awaited return to AEW on the March 29, 2023 episode of Dynamite. Cole caught the attention of Chris Jericho with a win over Daniel Garcia. Hostility brewed between the two men, and they decided to settle their differences in an Unsanctioned Match at Double or Nothing.

Adam Cole made his long-awaited return to AEW on the March 29, 2023 episode of Dynamite. Cole caught the attention of Chris Jericho with a win over Daniel Garcia. Hostility brewed between the two men, and they decided to settle their differences in an Unsanctioned Match at Double or Nothing.

An Unsanctioned Match – or a “Lights Out Match,” as it is frequently referred to in AEW – is a non-traditional match with no rules. This particular match-up is not officially recognized by the promotion and is mostly contested to settle extremely personal rivalries.

It is worth mentioning that this type of match-up does not add to the win-loss record of the competitors. In today’s day and age, the match is primarily used to accommodate the talent on pay-per-view events.

AEW has utilized Unsanctioned Matches in the past to let fans know that the bout will be especially violent. The Jacksonville-based promotion is known to give away these matches on TV occasionally. Former world champion Kenny Omega once competed in a “Lights Out” match against Jon Moxley.

The Full Gear 2019 main event saw the two competitors completely destroy each other with foreign objects. The ending saw Mox expose the wooden boards beneath the ring mat to perform the Paradigm Shift on Omega for the win.

Adam Cole and Chris Jericho agree to meet in an Unsanctioned Match at AEW Double or Nothing

Cole and Jericho met in the ring one last time ahead of their scheduled collision this Sunday. The former NXT Champion told The Wizard he was trying hard to control himself from beating the life out of him.

The former AEW World Champion asked the production to roll out the footage of The Outcasts beating Dr. Britt Baker with a kendo stick, angering Cole in the process.

A visibly-livid Cole tried to attack Jericho but was stopped by Roderick Strong. Cole gathered his senses and one-upped his opponent by introducing Sabu. The ECW legend walked to the ring and helped Cole and Roddy disperse the Jericho Appreciation Society.

It was then announced that Sabu will be the special enforcer of the Unsanctioned Match. It remains to be seen if the former ECW Champion will call the match fairly. Click here to check out the final match card for Double or Nothing.

Are you excited for the show this Sunday? Let us know in the comments section below!

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