Kylian Mbappe is spotted partying with Kim Kardashian at Michael Rubin's white party

While the entire European transfer market is going crazy over Kylian Mbappe's future, we completely missed an in-person meeting between the footballer and Kim Kardashian. Businessman Michael Rubin threw his annual Fourth of July party, which was themed as a white party for everybody to dress in that color. This was not a wink for

While the entire European transfer market is going crazy over Kylian Mbappe's future, we completely missed an in-person meeting between the footballer and Kim Kardashian. Businessman Michael Rubin threw his annual Fourth of July party, which was themed as a white party for everybody to dress in that color. This was not a wink for Real Madrid but it did raise a few eyebrows in Spain, Mbappe seems like he spent some part of his evening with the famous socialite. A video released by Rubin himself shows the pair of them hanging out during the event and smiling wide.

Rumors of them possibly hooking up were more than likely to take place on social media, but there was no confirmation this ever took place from a single clip. We do have to note that Kim Kardashian is a single woman while we don't really know if Kylian is taken or not. The two of them are consenting adults, there's nothing wrong if anything did happen at that party. It sure is interesting watching them hang out and party together. One can only imagine what could they possibly be talking about. Keep in mind that Kim Kardashian has attended PSG games at Parc des Princes, she probably already knew Kylian from one of those occassions.

Kylian Mbappe has two weeks to make up his mind

In terms of his future, Kylian Mbappe just got notified by Nasser Al Khelaifi himself that he has two weeks to make a decision about his future. The ultimatum was clear. Either he signs a new contract or he keeps his promise he would never leave PSG for free. Over the next two weeks, we will finally know where Kylian Mbappe will play next season. He is more than likely leaving PSG and Real Madrid does look like the most possible destination. But nothing is set in stone until it is made official, especially with the most coveted player in the world at stake right now. For the time being, Mbappe is still traveling and made his way to Cameroon on Thursday for holiday. He was also wearing white upon arrival.

