Is TikTok's viral hand dryer real? Netizens shocked to see blade eject out of the machine

In an age where news and trends have quickly gone viral on TikTok, netizens are now thoroughly obsessed with the viral hand dryer. Recently, a video has been circulating over the platform showing blades jutting out of an automatic hand dryer.

In an age where news and trends have quickly gone viral on TikTok, netizens are now thoroughly obsessed with the viral hand dryer. Recently, a video has been circulating over the platform showing blades jutting out of an automatic hand dryer.

While there are people who suffer from Manussiccusphobia - a fear of hand dryers - some on social media are making jokes after the said video went viral on the internet.

What is TikTok's viral hand dryer? Is it real?

The video features a hand dryer covered in blood. Coupled with that, most of the floor and walls around are also splattered with blood. However, proceedings took an even more fearful turn after a blade popped out of the machine.

Before the video, a message pops up:

“Don’t put your hands in a hand dryer, they might cut them off. Or do, we don’t care.”

However, for those wondering if this is a real video and if hand dryers like this exist, the creator clarified in the comments that this is just an animated project. He commented:

"AS A REMINDER FOR PEOPLE WITH ANXIETY!!! This video is an animation and NONE of it has come true, if people say it has they're trying to scare you."
Creator of the viral TikTok hand dryer video clarifies that video is not true. (Image via TikTok)

However, the comment section was riddled with anxiety as many were concerned about such dangerous hand dryers:

The comment section shows how a new fear is unlocked amongst TikTokers after seeing the viral animated hand dryer video. (Image via TikTok)

Nonetheless, the video has received more than 13 million views, 1.8 million likes and upwards of 50,000 comments. While some claim to be scared of such hand dryers, others seem relatively calm and choose to make TikToks related to this viral hand dryer.

Multiple TikToks have been made with concerning captions, berating the product for its structure and propagation. The videos depict people being anxious whilst using the hand dryer, fearing that a blade will snap out and cut them. The above video was released with the caption:

“Never going to trust one of these again.”

At the same time, most people have also tried to debunk this video by making TikToks with captions such as:

“What are y’all scare of.”

While the trend is instilling fear in users, the video and the hand dryer in it is just a work of imagination, and none of it is true. Suffice to say, this will be reassuring for users on the platform.

However, this isn't the first occasion where a TikTok has caused mass hysteria and angst amongst its users. Multiple trends such as the Penny and Benadryl challenges have led to collective concerns about the platform and its guidelines.

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