Is Fatima trans in real life? Everything to know about the actress

In the TV show The Chi on Showtime, a character named Fatima appeared in season five. Played by L'lerrt Jazelle, Fatima is a bold reporter who challenges politicians to find the truth. She later shares that she's a transwoman.

In the TV show The Chi on Showtime, a character named Fatima appeared in season five. Played by L'lerrét Jazelle, Fatima is a bold reporter who challenges politicians to find the truth. She later shares that she's a transwoman.

This fact doesn't bother Victor, who's aiming to be a city councilman. He simply sees Fatima as a woman. Their love story has ups and downs, though. Even though Fatima doesn't want to be a secret, she ends up as one. In season six, as Victor moves forward in politics, Fatima's role grows bigger in the story.

People wonder if L'lerrét Jazelle, who plays Fatima, is also a transwoman in real life? The answer is yes. Jazelle is a transwoman, bringing her real-life experiences to her TV role.

The Chi's L'lerrét Jazelle: Actress and activist

Meet the trans actress behind Fatima (Image via Paramount+)

L'lerrét Jazelle, known for her role in The Chi, was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She pursued her education in New Orleans, Louisiana, majoring in Chemistry and women's studies.

Beyond her on-screen presence, Jazelle stands as a fierce advocate and activist for the marginalized. Co-founding the New Orleans chapter of the Trans Women of Color Collective, Jazelle solidified her commitment to uplifting the trans community.

Her activism is deeply intertwined with her identity, as she emerged as a transwoman during college. This revelation propelled her into a life of advocacy, addressing the crossroads of trans rights, LGBTQ rights, feminist studies, and Black identity politics.

But her talents aren't confined to The Chi. Jazelle has displayed her acting prowess in multiple series such as 4400, 9-1-1, and NCIS: Los Angeles.

Reflecting on her role as Fatima, Jazelle, in an interview with Bet, remarked,

"Fatima pushed me to my limits."

She highlighted the profound need for genuine connections and authenticity in relationships.

The Chi actress embodies the essence of resilience and transformation through both her on-screen characters and off-screen activism. Her commitment to raising awareness and championing inclusivity remains unwavering as she continues to blaze her trail.

The Chi season 6 scores showtime series' most-watched premiere to date

Showtime's drama series' The Chi has returned with a bang, and its sixth season, which debuted on Paramount+ on August 4, witnessed a significant 65% rise in streaming viewership. This surge resulted in the season 6 premiere drawing in over 1.8 million viewers within its first week, making it the most-watched season opener.

Chris McCarthy, the President/CEO of SHOWTIME/MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks, expressed elation at the record-breaking numbers.

He lauded the series, created by Lena Waithe, for its intricate storytelling and captivating characters. McCarthy emphasized that the series' success:

"Validates our decision to integrate our streaming services with the new Paramount+ with Showtime."

In the wake of this achievement, Domenic DiMeglio, the EVP and chief marketing officer at Paramount Streaming, highlighted the show as the first Showtime scripted series to premiere on Paramount+.

He attributed the show's groundbreaking viewership to its unique blend of loyal, longstanding fans and the fresh audience garnered from Paramount+.

With The Chi's split-platform strategy, episodes began streaming on Paramount+ on August 4, 2023, with subsequent episodes set to release every Friday.

On the other hand, Showtime is scheduled to air these episodes on Sundays, beginning with the premiere on August 6, 2023. The season comprises 16 episodes, with the latter half's air date yet to be confirmed.

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