How many siblings does Jeremy Renner have? Support pours in as Hawkeye star shares ICU video with mo

Jeremy Renner took to social media to share a lighthearted video from the ICU featuring his mother and sister. The video comes in the wake of a deadly snowplow incident that left the actor with serious injuries.

Jeremy Renner took to social media to share a lighthearted video from the ICU featuring his mother and sister. The video comes in the wake of a deadly snowplow incident that left the actor with serious injuries.

In the clip, the Hawkeye star can be seen filming himself while his sister messaged his head and his mother looked on. His sister can be heard saying, “He's so s*xy, yeah” before jokingly adding “look at all that blood,” as Renner brought the camera closer to his face.

Renner can also be heard saying that he got his “first shower in a week or so” since the incident, dubbing the situation as “gross.” In the video, the actor is seen wearing a hospital gown, breathing through an oxygen mask and displaying a swollen shut eye and bruises on the side of his face.

While the Marvel star laughed alongside his mother and sister in the footage, he also took to Twitter to thank them for turning a “not so great ICU day” into an “amazing spa day.” He also shared the same video on his Instagram story and wrote:

“ICU SPA MOMENT TO LIFT MY SPIRITS. Thank you mama, thank you sister, thank all for you for your love.”

Jeremy Renner has six younger siblings, with his youngest brother being born in 2011. This made the actor a big brother at the age of 40.

A look into Jeremy Renner’s family

Jeremy Renner was born on January 7, 1971, to Valerie Cearley and Lee Renner, who managed the Modesto Bowling Alley McHenry Bowl in the 1980s. His parents reportedly married as teenagers and divorced when the actor was just ten years old.

His maternal grandparents are Eleanor and Elmer Tague and his paternal grandparents are Ruth and Art Renner. The Avengers star is the eldest among the Renner siblings. His paternal half-brothers are Clayton Renner, Arthur William Renner and Theo Renner.

He is also a brother to Kyle Renner and has two sisters named Kym Renner and Nicky Renner Emens. Jeremy Renner welcomed his youngest brother in 2011 at the age of 40. During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live that same year, he announced:

“My dad's still making it happen. I'm 40 and I've got a six-month-old baby brother.”

The actor also shared the name of his brother and said:

“I think he might have been disappointed that I haven't done anything (had kids yet) so you know...! His name's Theo. He (his father) goes, 'You've got a brother named Theo'. I was like, ‘Awesome! Can't wait to see him.’”

He further added:

“I got to see him at my sister's wedding. He was hanging on my dad's little papoose or something, whatever he was wearing.”

Renner married Canadian model Sonni Pacheco on January 13, 2014 and welcomed daughter Ava Renner together. However, the pair filed for divorce towards the end of the same year citing “irreconcilable differences.” The exes share custody of their child.

Fans send continued support in the wake of Jeremy Renner’s accident

Jeremy Renner has continued to receive love and support in the wake of his snowplow incident (Image via Getty Images)

On January 1, 2023, Jeremy Renner was run over by a snow plow weighing over 14,300 lbs while clearing snow at his Lake Tahoe home. The actor was airlifted from his home and taken to a hospital and has been in the ICU ever since.

Renner’s representative confirmed to People that he suffered “blunt chest trauma and orthopedic injuries” and underwent surgery. At the time, his condition was defined as “critical but stable.”

The rep. also mentioned that the incident took place while the actor was “moving snow from his driveway on Sunday so that his family members could depart his home after spending New Years together.”

They mentioned that he was also helping to clear out snow in his neighbor’s home as the house was without power for 24 hours following a large snowfall. Meanwhile, Washoe County Sheriff Darin Balaam said that Jeremy Renner was helping a relative get a “stuck” vehicle out of 3 feet of snowfall when the incident occurred.

The MCU actor has received an outpouring of love and wishes from his fans and well-wishers ever since being hospitalized. Admirers continued to send their support to Renner after he posted a video with his mother and sister from the ICU:

Prior to the latest update, Jeremy Renner also shared a selfie from the ICU, thanking everyone for their “kind words” and saying that he was “too messed up to type.”

In addition to his fans, co-stars like Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Evangeline Lilly, Chris Pratt, Paul Bettany and Hailee Steinfield, among others, also sent their love and support to Renner.

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