Five Small (But Spooky!) Things I Love About the Haunted Mansion

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Disneylands Haunted Mansion, this is the perfect time, as candle lights flicker and the air is deathly still, to think about all of the things that we dread, er, love, about the Haunted Mansion. The Mansion is filled with classic scenes and visual effects, from the ballroom ghosts

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion, this is the perfect time, as candle lights flicker and the air is deathly still, to think about all of the things that we dread, er, love, about the Haunted Mansion. The Mansion is filled with classic scenes and visual effects, from the ballroom ghosts and Constance the Bride to the singing graveyard busts and of course, the hitchhiking ghosts. But in this week’s newsletter, I thought I’d talk about some of those smaller, sinister details…ones that you might not notice right away, but certainly ratchet up that creepy factor to the point where the hairs on your neck stand on end. Got your death certificate? Then away we go….

Creepy Creeps With Eerie Eyes

When the Haunted Mansion received its extensive refurbishment, there were many major changes, including a new bride and the Escher-like staircase room. But there was a tiny detail added that I didn’t notice right away, but once I saw it I was mesmerized by how simple, clever (and creepy) it was. Early in your journey you may notice the wallpaper is made up of a pattern of ghostly eyes. But soon those eyes start to come alive, and before long you realize that those eyes aren’t decorative ornamentations…those are real (well, real for ghosts anyway) , eyes staring back at you, occasionally blinking and…well…just creeping you out. The gradual shift from a 2D effect to a 3D effect is pure Disney genius, and one that’s so subtle that you many not even notice it at first. But now you know that when you get that eerie feeling that you’re being watched…you’ll know you really are.

The Haunted Mansion Library

One of my favorite effects in the Haunted Mansion is one of the simplest…the rotating busts that you see in the library. As you pass by them in turn, all of the busts rotate so that they continually stare at you (and at everyone else in the room). But how? Holograms? Projected computer imagery? Or are they really synchronized to the motion of your Doom Buggy? The answer is actually a lot simpler, and is very convincing optical illusion. Though you think you’re looking at a typical three dimensional bust, what you actually look at is the inside of a hollow shell, sort of like the back of a Halloween mask, with the front facing away from you. The mask doesn’t move, but as you glide past it, different portions will come in and out of view, making it appear as if it’s rotating. (Here’s a link to an image demonstrating the effect.) The creepiest things is that even when you know how it’s done, it’s still difficult to convince your brain that you’re not seeing an actual rotating bust (try it yourself the next time you visit!).

The Mausoleum

As you head out of the Haunted Mansion (no doubt racing to get your death certificate in preparation for your next visit), you’ll pass by the pet cemetery on your right (look for the grave marker of Mr. Toad in the back on the left!) and the hearse on the right. But you’ll also pass by a mausoleum, something that most Guests overlook as they head off to the next attraction on their itinerary. But take a moment to look at the names…you’ll discover lots of humorous puns like:

  • U. Later (See you later)
  • I. Missyou (Gee I miss you)
  • Hal Lusinashun (Hallucination)
  • Levi Tation (Levitation)
  • Manny Festation (Manifestation)
  • T. Tomb (Empty Tomb)
  • Rustin Peece (Rest in Peace)
  • Theo Later (See you later)
  • Wee G. Bord (Ouija Board)

Here’s a tip, try saying them out loud to your family and friends…or have everyone take a turn. Some of the puns may not be immediately clear when you first read them to yourself, but they’ll make perfect sense when you say them out loud. (You’ll also find plenty of punning names in the interactive queue.)

The Walled-Up Ghost

Toward the end of the graveyard scene, you’ll see a skeleton hand entombing itself in its crypt. Creepy? Yes! Puzzling? Yeah, kind of…what’s that all about anyway? Though it’s an amusing (if not slightly disconcerting) sight in its own right, there actually may be a bit a story behind it.

Though the Haunted Mansion doesn’t have an official backstory, Guests (and even Cast Members) have come up with their own versions over the years. Some of that lore has even made its way into the Haunted Mansion as a “now official” part of the story, thought that’s a tale for another time. One of the stories goes like this: An authentic manor was transported from Louisiana to Disneyland, but with it came the spirits of the Blood Family, who did nothing but torment and haunt their guests. Although the Imagineers and workers tried to take care of this unsettling situation, they gave up after a worker managed to get walled inside while working on renovations. So that could be the (unofficial) explanation behind the unfortunate soul that you see walling themselves inside their own tomb. Or maybe they just wanted a little privacy. (Incidentally, you can read more about this and even more Haunted Mansion backstories and secrets in the upcoming issue of Celebrations!)


When you think of animals and the Haunted Mansion, what immediately comes to mind? Certainly the howling wolf. And of course, all those ravens. (Did you know the raven was originally intended to be the host of your tour? That honor eventually went to the Ghost Host of course, but it does explain why that raven continually pops up throughout the attraction.) How about the caretaker’s dog? And even the aforementioned Mr. Toad? They’re all very well known, and contribute a lot to the lore of the Mansion (well, Mr. Toad may quibble that he shouldn’t be there…but that’s a whole different tale). But did you notice the cats? They’re actually not hard to miss, as you’ll find them, er, caterwauling in the graveyard to the left of your Doom Buggy. But if you keep your eye out you’ll spot a few more than you may have thought were there (as well as some other ghostly dogs and other critters). They’re sure not happy (well, would you be if you were stuck in a graveyard with all those ghoulish ghosts? Or maybe they’re screeching In protest at the “lovely” tune being belted out by the opera singer.) The graveyard is actually a great place to look for new things…I’m still discovering new sights and secrets every time I visit. Incidentally, did you know that (according to some versions of the backstory) that you are in fact one of those ghosts? Yep, some will tell you that the storyline of the Mansion has you dying…you weren’t slowly descending out the window, you were jumping! Why? Well, the Ghost Host did invite you to join them, and that evidently that was an invitation you were just dying to accept.

Those are just a few of the smaller details of the Haunted Mansion that I’ve discovered and enjoyed over the years…do you have any you’d like share? If so please share them in the comments below, and we’ll all gather for a swinging wake!

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