Antoine Dodson is in talks for a reality show, has new Halloween costume

Antoine Johnson has a new Halloween costume for sale, based on his infamous appearance during a local Huntsville, Alabama news interview when he went on off on his sisters attacker. It includes a frizzy Afro wig, a red do rag and a black tank top with the words Hide Yo Kids across the front. It

Antoine Johnson has a new Halloween costume for sale, based on his infamous appearance during a local Huntsville, Alabama news interview when he went on off on his sister’s attacker. It includes a frizzy Afro wig, a red do rag and a black tank top with the words “Hide Yo Kids” across the front. It also includes a rolled up piece of paper, which Johnson admitted on an interview was just a bus schedule. You can buy your Bed Intruder costume for $18.99 on and proceeds go to Dodson and his family. (We mentioned this in an earlier story but I just saw this new promotional video, above, on D-Listed and wanted to cover it.)

Antoine recently tweeted that he was going to Los Angeles to discuss a potential reality show deal. The thought of a reality show in general on anyone’s life makes me roll my eyes, but in Antoine’s case I say “why not?” The guy is funny, highly likable and is obviously a character. I’d love to get to know him and his family.

Last week we covered Antoine’s performance of his auto-tuned Bed Intruder song on The BET Hip Hop Awards. The consensus was that Antoine did a great job and that he should have sung alone without one of the Gregory Brothers (the band that put out his famous song) trying to chime in too. The Gregory Brothers may have made him famous but we know who the star is.

ATLANTA - OCTOBER 02: Antoine Dodson performs during the BET Hip Hop Awards '10 at Boisfeuillet Jones Atlanta Civic Center on October 2, 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Taylor Hill/Getty Images)

