AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT vs Nvidia GeForce RTX 3070: GPU comparison in 2023

In the mid-range segment, the RTX 3070 and the RX 6750 XT are solid options. Following price cuts and the launch of the next-gen GPUs, these cards have been massively discounted. They can be purchased for under $600, a good deal compared to the more expensive RTX 40 series and RX 7000 series cards.

In the mid-range segment, the RTX 3070 and the RX 6750 XT are solid options. Following price cuts and the launch of the next-gen GPUs, these cards have been massively discounted. They can be purchased for under $600, a good deal compared to the more expensive RTX 40 series and RX 7000 series cards.

These cards can easily run most modern titles in 1440p. Both GPUs pack power and can also run games in 4K.

However, before finalizing which graphics card to settle for with a mid-range gaming build, users should consider pricing, availability, and overall performance. Let's analyze the GPUs and determine the best choice in 2023.

Both AMD RX 6750 XT and Nvidia RTX 3070 have their advantages


Considering both GPUs are based on different architectures, an on-paper comparison between the RX 6750 XT and the RTX 3070 cannot be made. However, a quick look at the spec sheet reveals that the cards are quite powerful.

The two GPUs have been cut down significantly compared to their older siblings. However, they still feature shading units and cores that impress when gaming.

The 6750 XT comes with 12 GB of GDDR6 VRAM, giving it an edge over the 3070. While some video games will work flawlessly with 8 GB of VRAM, most high-profile AAA titles require more.

AMD introduced the RX 6750 XT with a price tag of $549, making it $50 costlier than the Nvidia card. However, users can get the Team Red GPU for just $409.

In comparison, the Nvidia competitor starts from around $569, which makes it a more expensive option. The card is still being sold over its MSRP.

AMD Radeon RX 6750 XTNvidia GeForce RTX 3070
Shading Units2,5605,888
Tensor coresN/A184
Compute Units40N/A
RT cores4046
Memory12 GB GDDR6 192-bit8 GB GDDR6 256-bit

Performance differences

According to TechPowerUp's performance figure aggregates, the 6750 XT is about 7% slower than the Nvidia GPU.

However, in video games, the RX 6750 XT gets close to the RTX 3070 and wins in multiple titles like Dying Light 2. Overall, gamers can expect nearly 95% of the Team Green GPU's performance from the 6750 XT.

Thus, the AMD card takes a solid lead with its value proposition. However, it is worth noting that AMD GPUs have their caveats. The Radeon RX 6000 series cards come with significantly worse ray tracing performance. AMD FSR, although impressive, is not as polished as Nvidia DLSS.

In addition, AMD Radeon GPUs consistently register a loss in productivity performance. Nvidia's CUDA is superior compared to OpenGL.


The AMD Radeon RX 6750 XT is, overall, a better card for most gamers. It is cheaper and almost equals the RTX 3070 in most video games. Thus, in 2023, the AMD GPU makes more sense.

Users looking to build a workstation PC, however, should consider the RTX 3070. Nvidia has multiple tools that can benefit creators and professionals.

However, gamers comfortable spending over $500 on their GPU can opt for the Radeon RX 6800 XT. It costs almost as much as the RTX 3070 while being around 26% faster.

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